Dr. Adele Allen

Monday, September 6, 2010

Community Board 8

Hello Brooklyn!

     We're transitioning our monthly Community Board newsletter “Across the Board” to an electronic newsletter which will be featured on our new website. First, using this medium we can act in a more environmentally responsible way by reducing our carbon footprint. Second, disseminating information to our communities is one of the unique responsibilities of Community Board 8, and this method allows us to reach even more people than ever before.

     Lastly, since the City Administration has announced another round of cuts to our district office budget we're taking a closer look at how we do business in an effort to optimize our scarce resources without compromising the high quality of service our community expects from us.

Please enjoy our new website. Visit us on  http://www.brooklyncb8.org/.

"Albritton, Akosua" , "andrews, glinda" , "banach,edo" , "Bryan,Flize" , "coaxum, teri" , "coley, helen" , "Cuyler, Renaye" , "DIANA FOSTER" , "fox, ede" , "fred frazier" , "Fuchs, Holly" , "granville, nizjoni" , "Greg Todd" , "hamilton, jesse" , "Hasoni Pratts" , "Heriveaux, Doris" , "james, princess" , "Kim Albert" , "LANGHORNE, SHALAWN" , "LOUIS,MARIE" , "MADDOX, PRISCILLA" , "MATTHEWS, ROBERT" , "Mensah, Kwasi" , "MONDERSON, FREDERICK" , "MUHAMMAD, GAIL" , "NANCE, ANYIKA" , "OTON, ATIM ANNETTE" , "PUCA, ROBERT" , "Saunders, Marlene" , "STATON, MEREDITH" , "TAITT-HALL, AUDREY" , "TYUS, ETHEL" , "VILUS, YVES" , "Wedderburn, Sharon" , "william . M . SUGGS" , "williams, douglas" , "witherwax, robert" , "Xeerxeema Jordan" , "zuniga, vilma" , addar@ucla.edu, "Adamson, Ann Marie" , "Adossa, Saadia" , "Alfred A.Chiodo" , "Allen, Adele" , "amy stuant" , "andre owes" , "ANDREA BLAND" , "ANDREA FERN GRIER" , "ann jhun" , "Anthony Taylor" , "AREIAL MATHIS" , "ASHLEY DURANT" , "ASSEMBLYMAN BOYLAND OFFICE" , "AYA HAMANO" , "Benjamin Kramer" , "bermudez, george" , "betty davis" , "BORNARD HOLLOWAY" , "boyland, jr., assemblyman william" , "brad francis" , "BRIAN SAMMONS" , "brodi scott" , "brown,barrington" , "bruse jackson" , "burrows, andrea d." , "canton,scott" , "CAROLE ROSE" , "Carolyn Sanders-James" , "CHANCE FOR CHILDREN" , "Chaz Crowder" , "chris rivea" , "CINDA FARMEN" , "CLAIRE BIRD0DERT" , "CLAIREBIRD-SCOTT" , "clinton, ron" , "collins, janet" , "Councilwoman Darlene Mealy" , "Crown heights North Association" , "DAMONHOLMES" , "david kene" , "Desmond Atkins" , "Det Martin Brown" , "DITZIA DESIZE" , "donth banlorygray" , "DOROTHY JONES BEMBRY" , "DUKE SAUNDERS" , "dulan-wilson, gloria" , "Fariba Hajamadai" , "GEOFFRY D." , "GOEGORY STEWART JR" , "GRANT,EDGAR" , "GYRENE SLUAGHTER" , "hall, dalia" , "hearn, roslyn" , "hellman, harold" , "jacqueline welch" , "james caldwell" , "james, councilwoman letitia" , "JANATHAN B." , "janet shorter" , "jay" , "jean sunsea" , "JENNA NESS" , "jervonne singletary" , "joaeuin tarres" , "Johanna De Jesus" , "johnson, aisha" , "JOSE VAZGUE" , "JOSEFINA SANFELIU" , "joseph segreti" , "joshua passe" , "JOSSETTE WATSON" , "KAREN CUMMINGS" , "KARRIAM DEAN" , "kashaun john" , "KESHA HARMON" , "krashes, peter" , "LARRY SHEPHERD" , "LAURA WELDER" , "LAUREL BROWN" , "Marcia Melendez" , "maurice roberts" , "Melissa Cerezo" , "MERRIMAN, ANDREA PHILLIPS" , "MICHAEL BALLEY" , "Michael Pavy" , "MICHELE JEAN" , "MONTGOMERY, SENATOR VELMANETTE" , "MOORE, KARLA" , "MOORE, TAMMY" , "Mr. Ben Colombo" , "Ms. Winsome Mclean-Davis" , "Niiya C. Parker" , "NOAN LEFF" , "O.alabi" , "OH, HYUN MYOUNG" , "Oratowski, Danae" , "p.grannum" , "Peterson, Denise" , "PICKETT, DEBORAH" , "PIERRE-LOUIS, SACHA" , "pratt, rachel" , "RAE BETH MAYE" , "RAEUEL FABALA" , "RAMOS, NANCY" , "Rashida Henry" , "REUVEN LIPKIND" , "ROBINSON, ASSEMBLYWOMAN ANNETTE" , "RON THOMAS" , "rosabell woods" , "rose jones" , "ruelayoh cyres" , "SADDLER, JACKIE KENNEDY" , "SAMPSON, SENATOR JOHN" , "SAQUAN JONES" , "Sarah" , "Serena Mulhen" , "Sharon Davidson" , "SMITH, LINWOOD" , "STACEY SHEFFEY" , "STEWART, EDISON" , "tammy moore" , "TAUNER NELSON" , "TERI ATWELL" , "Valorie Bowers" , "VANN, COUNCILMAN ALBERT" , "veconi, gib" , "venelte jones" , "vincent haynes" , "walker, kayona" , "Walton, Margaret" , "WILLAND HAWKINS" , "willand huwks" , "WILLIAMS HAWKINS" , "wright, juanita" , "Zachary Goelman" , "Anderson, Marlon" , "Charise Lawrence" , "Goldwyn,Sarah" , "Gunthorp, Rick" , "Hrones, Christopher" , "Inglesby, Andrew" , "Lowenstein, Irvin S." , "Messer, Rhonda" , "Montesano, Roger" , "Mr. Caryle Cole" , "Mr. Rickey Wong" , "P.O. Corey Grable" , "Palmieri, Joseph" , "PANETTA, RANDOLPH R." , "RATON, HUBERT" , "sandra casten" , "Sarah Figuereo" , "SUGAR, PETER"

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